Active Travel


What is active travel?

“Active travel is a term used to describe walking and cycling for purposeful journeys to a destination, or in combination with public transport. Whilst walking and cycling are in themselves healthy activities that are to be encouraged, it is when they displace car journeys that they deliver significant benefits for the health and well-being of Wales.

It is a key priority in the Welsh Transport Strategy – Llwybr Newydd – and is identified at the top of the sustainable transport hierarchy that guides all transport activities.” Active Travel Act Guidance, July 2021



Planning Your Walking and Cycling Journeys

Choosing active travel options, like cycling and walking, for part or all of your journey can reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment. It can also support your physical and mental health.

Our dedicated Cycle and Walking planners are here to help you plan your active travel journeys with ease.

Cycle Planner

To plan your cycling journeys in and around Wales, simply:

You will then see a route map of your most convenient cycling route between these locations, as well as a step-by-step breakdown of your journey directions. Our Cycle Planner will also show you: how congested your route is likely to be; the predicted number of calories burnt; how much Co2 will be avoided by making this journey by bike; the route elevation profile and much more!

Walking Planner

To plan your journey by foot:

Our Walking Planner will then display your most convenient walking route between your searched locations, as well as an estimated time for your journey.



Bike Hire Services


Nextbike is the world’s most extensive bike sharing provider. It enables a user-friendly service that supports cities in creating sustainable, multi-modal and active travel solutions. Nextbike currently operates in the following locations in Wales:

You can see the locations of all Nextbike stations and how many bikes are currently available to hire when you search for journeys in these areas using our Travel Map.

Bromption Bike Hire

Brompton Bike Hire offers accessible bike hiring services, providing a healthy and environmentally friendly solution to travel.

There is a Brompton Bike Hire Station located outside the main entrance of Carmarthen Bus Station. Simply create an online account with Bromption Bike Hire, reserve a folding bike online or by text, collect your folding bike from outside Carmarthen Bus Station and return it to the dock once you’re done! You can hire a bike for an hour, a day or even the whole weekend.



Bikes on Buses

As buses in Wales are run by a large number of different services operators, the rules on taking a bike on board a bus vary.

Generally, foldable bikes that can be safely stored within the luggage pen of the bus can be brought on at the discretion of the driver. Due to space and safety considerations, standard non-folding bikes are not typically permitted on buses.

Please contact your bus service operator directly to check whether you are permitted to take a bike on board their services.



Bikes on Trains

Transport for Wales Rail have limited cycle spaces on board their services.

Bike reservations

On some services, customers are asked to reserve a cycle space when you buy your ticket (as far in advance as possible and at least 24 hours before you travel).

Reservations are free and can be made by calling 0333 3211 202. Lines are open from 08:00 – 20:00 Monday to Saturday and 11:00 – 20:00 Sunday. 

On services without reservations, cycle spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. Some Transport for Wales Rail Valleys and Cardiff local routes don’t have any space for bicycles during peak hours.

Please note:

  • Even if you have a reservation, bikes are always carried at the discretion of train staff
  • TfW Rail can’t take unaccompanied bicycles on any of their trains
  • Motorbikes, mopeds, motor scooters, motorised cycles and tandem bicycles aren’t allowed on any services
  • During engineering work, it is down to the discretion of the individual bus driver of the replacement bus as to whether you can take your bike on or not

For more information, please visit the Transport for Wales Rail website.


Great Western Railway and CrossCountry also recommend that passengers reserve a bike space before travelling on their services:



Cycling and Walking Organisations


Sustrans is the leading sustainable and active travel charity in the UK, providing information on how to travel by bike or on foot as well as working to improve infrastructure such as the National Cycle Network, to enable people to travel in more sustainable ways.

Ramblers Cymru

Ramblers Cymru are the guardians of the path network in Wales. They help the people of Wales and visitors to enjoy walking and protect the places we all love to walk. Ramblers Cymru want Wales to offer world class access to the outdoors, including a well-kept and well-loved path network.