Rail Safety


British Transport Police (Wales)

The British Transport Police (Wales) is a national police service for rail operators, their staff and passengers across Wales.

If you witness a crime, are a victim of a crime or see anything suspicious during your journey, it is important to report it.

  • Phone: 0800 40 50 40 or in an emergency 999
  • Text: 61016 (in an emergency, always dial 999)
  • Email: 61016@btp.pnn.police.uk 

For more information, please visit the British Transport Police website.



Transport for Wales ‘Take Time to Talk’

Whatever you are going through, there is somebody who will face it with you. All it takes is one call to ask for help. Below is a list of organisations who are there to listen to you or someone you know who might need support:

Samaritans (Providing support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide)

Phone: 116 123 
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Welsh language line: 0808 164 01 23

C.A.L.L. (Mental Health Helpline for Wales)

Phone: 0800 132 737 
Text: 81066

Meic (Young people up to the age of 25)

Phone: 0808 802 34 56 
Text: 84001

Papyrus Helpline (Prevention of young suicide)

Phone: 0800 068 41 41 
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org 

NSPCC Childline (Young people up to the age of 19)

Phone: 0800 11 11


Transport for Wales are working with the British Transport Police, Network Rail and other partners to do all they can to prevent rail suicides and support those affected by them.

Never put yourself at risk, but a small act can make such an enormous difference to someone experiencing suicidal thoughts.

For more information, please visit the Transport for Wales ‘Take Time to Talk’ web page.



Domestic Violence and Unwanted Sexual Behaviour

Rail to Refuge

Rail to Refuge is a joint initiative involving rail operators across the UK and the charity Women's Aid. Train operators cover the cost of train tickets for women, men and children escaping domestic abuse travelling to refuge accommodation.

How the scheme works:

  • A survivor reaches out for support from a domestic abuse service which is a member of Women’s Aid, Welsh Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Aid or Imkaan (including Respect’s Men’s Advice Line).
  • If appropriate, the survivor will be referred to a refuge and will be informed once a refuge vacancy has been confirmed.
  • The refuge books a free train ticket for the survivor.
  • The refuge can send the ticket and collection details to the survivor via a mobile phone. The survivor can then either use an e-ticket sent to their mobile phone or pick the ticket up from the station using any debit or credit card; they can travel like normal, without having to declare the ticket was free or that they are fleeing from domestic abuse.

To find out more about Rail to Refuge, please visit the Women’s Aid website.


Reporting Unwanted Sexual Behaviour

The majority of people using and working on public transport will be safe and secure. However, public transport is not immune from crime and unfortunately incidents of unwanted sexual behaviour can occur on the rail network.

British Transport Police (BTP) is committed to ensuring victims and survivors of unwanted sexual behaviour receive a consistent and supportive service. Be assured that BTP will always take your reports seriously.

To report an incident you have directly experienced or witnessed:

  • Phone: 0800 40 50 40 or in an emergency 999
  • Text: 61016 (in an emergency, always dial 999)
  • Email: 61016@btp.pnn.police.uk 

For more information, please visit the BTP website.


Additional Support:

Live Fear Free Helpline (Providing help and advice about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence).

Phone: 0808 80 10 800

Email: info@livefearfreehelpline.wales

Text: 07860077333

Galop (National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans+ Domestic Abuse Helpline)

Phone: 0800 999 5428

Email: help@galop.org.uk

The DYN Project (Providing support to Heterosexual, Gay, Bisexual and Trans men who are experiencing Domestic abuse from a partner).

Phone: 0808 801 0321

Email: support@dynwales.org



I Am Train Safe

Each year there are around 13,500 trespass incidents on Britain’s railways resulting in the loss of around 20-30 lives and in the past decade, 69 people have died after being electrocuted on the railway. 

Launched by Network Rail, the I Am Train Safe campaign has been created to help make learning about rail safety fun and engaging for children from a young age.

You can access the campaign video, featuring actress Joanna Page and Welsh Rugby Legend Gareth Thomas, quiz and safety pledge on the I Am Train Safe website.

  • Network Rail have also developed a series of educational resources about electrification on the railway, level crossings and railway safety.
  • The Network Rail ‘You vs. Train’ website has further information on the dangers of trespassing on railway tracks.